Posted by: Scott Berger | June 27, 2011

An Interview?! Me?

Afraid so.

The idea initially scared me, but soon anxiety dissolved in fascination. I’m usually game for doing something new, but this was completely different (Apologies to John Kleese).

My friends at Heart of Carolina Romance Writers (HCRW) started a blog chain, and after consulting with my self, I jumped in with both feet.

The premise is simple. First, describe the interviewer, who is a character from one of my stories. Then, let them interview you. I hope I do the wonderful ladies before me justice with my bit here.


Dr. Shaye Gillies is the new veterinarian running Island Animal Hospital in Granite Harbor, Maine. Two things — one obvious, the other not so much — make her stand out in the quaint village. One, she’s Australian. Two, she’s psychic.


The buzzing in Shaye’s head woke her from a sound sleep, but its intensity made her shut her eyes tightly to focus her receptors inward.

A man. He doesn’t look familiar, but I feel connected to him. He’s coming into the hospital.

“G’day. May I help you?” I ask.

“I’m not sure, to be honest. Something just told me to come in here.”

“Your dogs?”

The man curls up a corner of his mouth, and I have seen plenty of others with that skeptical look. “You don’t need psychic abilities for that. I come into a veterinary hospital, and odds are I have dogs or cats.”

I laugh. “Fair enough, mate. I sense you have doubts. What if I tell you things about yourself you know I couldn’t know?”

Now he laughs. Three times. I feel his energy. A gentle spirit.

“You’re not from here, are you?” I continue the questioning.

“I could say the same about you,” he quickly replies.

“True, but I live here now. You don’t.”

He shakes his head and starts to say something when I feel like having a little fun with him. “You live where it’s warm, bloody hot sometimes. The eastern part of North Carolina.”

His reaction isn’t what I expected. He’s not surprised, just amused.

“You’re psychic … but I already knew that,” he says.

“You could’ve talked to anyone in the village, and they’d have told you,” I shoot back.

Ignoring him, I focused on his energy. Images flashed like a slideshow in my mind. A loving wife of many years. Dogs, lots of them. I see one, two … crikey! They have five dogs. Big ones. So much love. The dogs are their children.

“You have five dogs of your own, but you’ve rescued nearly a dozen more,” I say, hoping to surprise him.

His wide-eyed look tells me my plan worked, so I look inward for more. I see blueprints, computers and buildings being built.

“You’re an architect,” I tell him, pausing for the next image. “But your passion is … you’re a writer. That’s ripper, mate.”

My empathic receptors pick up on a strong romantic streak.

“You write romance stories?”

He nods slowly. His eyebrows rise. He’s impressed.

“Brilliant. You don’t find many blokes doing that, I must say.”

He smiles warmly and shrugs. “Very true.”

“I’m curious. Why do you write romance?”

“I love happily-ever-after’s too.”

“What makes yours different? I mean, besides you being a bloke writing about us Sheila’s.”

He rubs his chin as he seems to look for the right words. After a few seconds, he apparently has his answer.

“My stories involve unusual heroines in unusual situations. She might be a migrant worker unexpectedly given a chance to be a ballerina. Or maybe an international assassin and spy looking for the quiet life as an engineer.”

“Or a psychic veterinarian from Down Under now living on an island in Maine?” I tease.

“Could be, mate. Could be,” he jabs back with a smile and a bad Australian accent.

I point over my shoulder to the controlled chaos behind me and say, “I really should get back to work, but say, if you and your lovely wife are in town for the weekend, my boyfriend and me are having a barbie Saturday, around two. We’d love to have you join us.”

He grins and accepts. “That’d be great. Thanks.”

My eyes fly open like windows shades pulled down and let go. It’s still dark, but I hear the first lobster boats heading out. To my right is my boyfriend Dave. I wake him from a sound sleep.

“Love, you will never guess what just happened,” I say excitedly.

“Another vision?” the low rumble comes from the far side of the bed.

“Like none other. Like none other,” I reply before rolling to my side for a few more winks.  


(To see the wonderfully entertaining interviews before mine, please click the links below.)

Here is a list of the participants in the Heart of Carolina Writers Blog Chain: 


  1. Great job, Scott ~ of course I’m partial to Shaye!!!


    • Thanks, Shirley. I’m sure you are. 🙂

  2. Scott, this is a great interview! I was a little surprised to see you’re character at the wheel, telling the story from her point of view, but I really enjoyed it! You did a great job with the dialogue, making me “hear” her accent. You thoroughly entertained me.

    • Thanks, Andris. I’ll let all of you in on a little secret. One of my crit partners is Australian.

  3. Wow! This was great. I was expecting this to be written in your POV but it wasn’t. At first, I was confused. Then, as soon as I realized the approach you were taking, I was very pleasantly surprised. It’s brilliant. And unique and very nicely done. I learned about you–5 dogs?? That’s a full house! And I learned about your character and your unique writing style. Can’t wait to see this story in print.

    • Thanks, Lilly. Yes, 5 dogs. You should see feeding time and bath time!

  4. Nicely done, Scott. You’re always so quiet it was nice to learn something about you. I’m impressed that you rescue dogs, and I really like the sound of your book. Is it available for sale yet?

    Petrina w/a l. j. Charles

    • Thanks, Petrina. Unfortunately, it’s not yet published, so a-querying I still go. 🙂

  5. hehehehehe. Such fun! I love that guys love HEAs!! Yeah!!

    • Thanks, Aimee. Of course I love HEA’s. Am I really that rare a breed? :-)And thanks for running this blog chain. I’ve had a blast reading them and writing my own.

  6. Yes, what a unique PoV. Looking forward to seeing this!

    • Thanks, Carol. With any luck, some wonderful agent will pick it (and me) up by year’s end. Fingers crossed!

  7. Oh, what a way to finish the blog chain! Our first psychic interview, that was pretty terrific! I really enjoyed this. Your character sounds fascinating. Can’t wait to see the novel published!

    • Thanks, Rebekkah. I had fun writing it, both the story and the interiew. I can’t wait, either. 😉

  8. Sorry to be late to the party–just read this today. It’s great fun! Definitely a new twist on the interviews. Enjoyed it very much. Your stories sound quite unique–especially the one about the ballerina. Hope you get published soon!

    • No problem, Jen. The ballerina one needs a bit more polish, and it’ll end up on an agent’s desk soon. Thanks for checking out my blog.

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